I am linking up once again with Tara from 4th Grade Frolics with my newest creation. I was inspired to make a "Hall Pass/Where are you going?" thing-a-mi-gig from a pin that I saw. I don't know if that's a word, but I use it all the time, and spell check didn't catch it. Here's how it turned out...
Basically I used the Dollar Store Pizza Pan and added ribbon and wood letters to define the different places my students travel during the day when they aren't with me.
C= Classroom
B= Bathroom
O= Office (hurt and in trouble kids)
M= Music (That section is larger since I've had up to 11 kids go at a time.)
I created magnets using glass pebbles. The glass pebbles are just attached to the button type magnets by hot glue. I loved my glue gun with this project. To write on the magnets I used a white out fine tip correction pen. My wonderful husband sprayed the magnets with sealant when it was all dry. I have ribbon to hang it, though I'm not exactly sure if I will hang it or use a cook book holder to have it propped up when it gets into the classroom.
Last year after my hall pass disappeared (again) I started using the clothespins for students to take with them to the bathroom. They didn't come back grimy and gross, which I thought was a winner in itself. If one of them got lost it wasn't a big deal to just get out another clothespin. We did have to have a talk as to where to place the clothespin when they were heading out of the classroom (not on the front hem of their shirts), but overall it worked and I'm doing it again.
Here's another project that I tackled.
My students last year loved having whole class journals to write in. They had a chance to write in them during Work on Writing, and a chance to read them during Read to Self. I made up a new set of 8. At the moment they are pretty plain covers, but once a student writes in it they have the option of choosing a sticker from my collection to place on the front cover. The stickers show me how many kids have tackled each topic.
*Updated to add the document in case you are interested in using it. The font is just Comic Sans and it's only one page - all I did was just change out the topic each time when I went to print. Topics are: Family Vacation, Dream You Had, Hobby, Favorite Memory, Your Weekend, Wish, Favorite Sport, and Pets. I also heard that people wanted to see a close up of them, so here you go.
Last thing...
Have you seen these before? Michael's (local craft store) had these adhesive wood letters for sale for $1.99. I bought 5 sets of them since they were so cheap. I used them on the above project (though I did attach them with hot glue since the adhesive didn't work great on metal). As I open up the packages, I'm popping the extras into one of the pencil boxes that I picked up the other day. Instant letters for spelling practice.
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