If you have seen any of my other Daily 5 posts, you know that I have been following along with the intermediate book study going on at We Read, We Blog, We Teach. It's been so nice hearing that other teachers feel the same way as I do. I love having a support group, especially since I was the only one doing Daily 5 at my school last year.
Just like last time, click the button to go to the link to check it out.
So, I have already written about Chapter 1, 2, and 3. Chapter 4 and 5 discusses Read to Self, Read to Someone, and Listen to Reading. Therefore... Read, Read, Read.
I know you are able to actually read the book yourself, so I just wanted to share what worked in my classroom last year with these 3 areas.
Read to Self:
Basically "Silent Reading" called a different name. After my class built their stamina, I tried to have them have that option during choice time. It didn't work for some kids - they were easily distracted by kids that were working on writing, they needed absolute silence. I ended up deciding that I still really wanted to have that time of the day when everyone had their nose in a book. I love Read to Self time - I love seeing them stretched out under their desks, across the floor, so engrossed in a book that they don't hear me the first time that I call them. When they were reading, I was wandering the outskirts of the room, my Daily 5 binder open writing notes about what book they were reading, what page they were on, if they had finished their book, and what type of book it was. They were busy reading. If a kid was done with a book, they raised their hand (they weren't allowed to wander in the classroom) and I would ask them if everything was alright. I allowed them to take AR tests during that time if they were done with their books. It was simple, it was wonderful, I can't wait to have that going again.
Read to Someone:
Buddy reading became a lot more meaningful this past year. I gave each of my students a check mark that had questions on it. (Of course these are at school and I don't have access to them to take a picture. I copied this out on colored card stock, didn't laminate them, but they held up with modeling and guidance.) We practiced a lot, and when one student finished a page, their buddy would ask them a comprehension question. I only had them choose one question to ask their buddy. They sat in the EEKK position (Elbow, Elbow, Knee, Knee), close enough to whisper to each other, and would take turns. It worked out perfectly. Now, I wanted to keep this as a special activity, so in my classroom last year we only had this option on Wednesdays when we would reread our weekly story, and on Fridays when I let them Read to Someone during the Read to Self time.
Here is the link to get the check marks: http://www.willoughby-eastlake.k12.oh.us/classroom/technology/Daily%205/PDF/checkforunderstanding.pdf
Listen to Reading:
Every week we listen to the story full class as a means to check predictions and review. I wanted to give students the option of listening to past stories as well, so I ordered the cheapest MP3 players that I could find on Amazon last November. They are sturdy, they work, and they come in different colors so I could keep track of the different groups easily.
Sylvania 2 GB Clip MP3 Player (prices between $11-$13 each depending on color). The picture is a link to it on Amazon if you want to check it out.
I was able to put 3 different Reading units on them, so the kids could listen to past stories. They held their charge for a long time, and came with ear buds. I added a splicer (I think that's the word), and attached another set of ear buds to them so partners could listen together. I just kept wipes nearby, and it became routine that I cleaned the buds when they were done.
I love Reading in all the forms it comes in! I hope this helps someone out with Daily 5. If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear how you do this in your classroom!
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