I'm blogging because it relaxes me... and if I wasn't doing something, I would probably be fast asleep on the couch. This week wore me out!
What was this week all about? Getting to know my new kids! Since it was the first week of school and I read so many read alouds to my students. I figured I would use those as my 5 for Friday and link up with Doodlebugs Teaching. :)
Day one of school my read aloud was...
Afterwards we brainstormed ideas for being bucket fillers and bucket dippers. They have grasped the concept! I then went on to explain the bucket filling area of the classroom.
My read aloud was...
My students started Mentor Sentences - and Jivey's unit. It was amazing what they remember from past years - it gives me hope for the year. :)
My read aloud was...
I actually wasn't there to read it to them since I had a district committee meeting to attend. They enjoyed it though and today (Friday) we referenced the book when starting our California State Symbol Fact Fans. We did guided draws for California Poppies and the California Golden Trout this afternoon. Guided draws practice listening skills. :)
My read aloud was actually starting...
I know! I love this book. :)
My students have this sheet from my Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing Mini Book in their binders and after every chapter they write a short summary containing the main idea and a couple of details. We read more today. I'm still waiting to pull out the Activity Cards and Journal that go with it.
My read aloud was actually from my Open Court teacher's edition to introduce our unit Risks and Consequences, then we read more of Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. :)
Something I have really enjoyed this week have been using these Weekly Reading Records from Stephanie Ann. I have the 5 different fiction sheets copied per table group, kept in the middle of the table. They are laminated and I added a color dot to keep them organized. After silent reading time (aka Read to Self), the kids grab their spiral notebook and their laminated sheet and record information about their book - having about 5 minutes to complete the response - practicing different skills and strategies every day. I love it (and I wish I would have started it sooner in my career). Today I just grabbed each set and rotated them to a different table for next week. :) Easy peasy!
Hope you had a great week! Just a reminder - my store will be on sale this coming Sunday through Tuesday at 20% off. Yay for sales! Did you get ideas yesterday of most wish listed items or items that my blogging buddies have in their own carts? My wish list certainly filled up AGAIN!
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