Yep, you read that correctly. The sale started at 9pm my time, and I stayed up to almost 1 researching and buying stuff. But I didn't just do it in one or even 2 transactions, I did it in 3. Why? Because I'm indecisive, but also because I wanted to grab the credits from a purchase/feedback so I could knock down my cart price the next time around.
So - after all of that, what have I bought so far?
Words Their Way Word Searches - These go with my spelling patterns to start out the year, want my kiddos to have some more options in their word work rotation.
Yep, this is a whole class game ($.80) that kids are answering questions, and finding treasure at the end.
Reading Response Newspapers - These newspapers work on specific skills for students to use as they create.
4th Grade Interactive Reading Notebook - I didn't know I needed this until we had the linky party last week. Now my anchor charts are going to be cute and functional (and the students' notebooks will too).
4th Grade Language Interactive Notebook - Same type of design, these will add so much to my mini lessons.
Common Core Interactive Math Notebook - Place Value, Comparing, Rounding, Adding, and Subtracting (4th grade)
I am so excited about this as well. It's the same idea as the other 2 interactive notebooks, but it's all about math. I'm just hoping she will be making more for the rest of the year.
I still have more stuff on my wish list, and probably more stuff that I *need*. The links above go right to the product. Maybe this helped you get some more ideas. :)
Have a great day!
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