We also worked on our interactive notebooks, worked more on our Summer Sandwiches, and took our school pictures. Then this afternoon we did a fun little thing I love to do when time allows... Go outside :)
I know - what a concept...
Yesterday and today my class has been learning about Nonliving and Living Organisms. After we defined everything and picked their brains a part making connections, I told them that we were going to take a field trip (outside to the playground). There was a bunch of oooo's (according to them I'm the best teacher ever). We got our brainstorm papers ready and we headed outside.
I only gave them about 12 minutes to come up with a minimum of 10 items - 5 for each category, but they did a great job finding things. What a day... Slowly but surely we are getting into a routine. Tomorrow is going to be a big one too. First tests tomorrow... First letter grades...
Hope you had a great day!
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