Hi Everyone! Today I'm supposed to be getting off the boat. I wanted to share one last revisit with you before I get home and get back to internet. :)
At the beginning of last school year I showed off this picture.
It's my team behavior system. The power of the plink. During the past school year I used it on a daily basis. Some months I only had 2 teams, other times 5 or 6. It worked the same though no matter the circumstances.
I have glass marbles/gems that I drop inside the plastic cups. Those plastic cups are located on my metal whiteboard. Even one marble drop makes a loud "plink" sound, which gets so much attention. I change up my team/seating arrangements every month, so at the end of each month we count the team points from the cups and the winning team gets a prize. Sometimes it's a box of donut holes, sometimes it's a homework pass or school cash. They buy into it.
How do the teams get a point? For being on task, being quiet, doing their best, cleaning up their area, having their books ready to go after transitions... simple stuff.
I will definitely be using this again next year.
Hopefully I'll be back tomorrow with pictures from the trip. :) If not, then definitely for Five for Friday!
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