It's time for another Let's Get Acquainted Party - this time it's a Tic Tac Toe Edition
I went to Biola University and a favorite memory included going with my friends to a dressy dinner at the Disneyland hotel. Yes, Disneyland was 15 minutes away from school, so it was a constant source of entertainment. I went with a group of friends, dressed in a ball gown (it was that dressy), and after the dinner we went into Disneyland with our season passes to ride some rides.
First Year of Teaching
When I graduated from Biola (Southern CA), I was offered a position at my student teaching site. BUT I had my heart set on returning to my hometown (Northern CA) where there weren't any teaching positions available. After a frustrating summer with only a couple of interviews, I was called 3 days before school started to interview at my own elementary school. Only it wasn't for a classroom teacher position. It was for a 40% science teacher position... I grabbed my student teaching Life Cycle Unit Binder (where I had been in charge of all the lessons revolving around those baby chicks) and headed out the door. The interview went great - though it was weird being inside the principal's office. I was offered that position, in addition to another 40% science position at another school across town. My weeks were busy that year even with only teaching 80%. I taught Monday & Tuesday at my old school, sharing a classroom with the other science teacher teaching 2nd, 3rd, and 5th graders. Then on Wednesday & Thursday I went to the other school, had my own classroom, and taught 1st, 2nd, and 4th graders. I had Fridays off so I was able to sub for the 9 classes that I taught. I met my future husband in February of that year, and had my appendix out that March. Awww... memories. :)
My Favorite Grade to Teach and Why
Over the past 13 years of teaching I've taught everything from Kindergarten to 8th grade, special education, to science, to general education. What I really love is 4th grade. In college I had my head wrapped around primary, I think mainly since that's what my mom taught her entire career. I LOVE my 4th graders though. Yes, I did leave 4th grade for 4 years because there was an opportunity to teach 2nd grade, in a non rotating room, with only 20 kids, on a year round schedule... BUT when the opportunity came back to teach 4th I jumped at it. The kids are the perfect age for me. They are independent, they get my jokes, and they still love their teacher. Then you add the curriculum: California history, fun math, and literature that I still love from when I was little - and it's the perfect combination. :)
I hope you go link up too!
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