Good morning everyone! Before I dive into the point of blogging today, wanted to remind you of the Bloglovin' giveaway and the School To Do linky going on from yesterday.
Linking up today with Ashley over at Just Reed with 10 math pins from my Math Board. Click on any of the images and it will take you to the pin, then onto the blogs/websites.
I'm excited to start Math Journals this next year...
...and I want to start out the year with a Fact Family Neighborhood.
This will be one of the first things I share with the kids...
...and I want to incorporate more fun math fact games.
This past year I started doing math centers, I enjoyed them immensely. I want to set it up similar to this Daily 5 math to match all the other Daily 5 anchor charts.
In their lapbooks/interactive notebooks, I want to remember to use toothpicks for geometry,
and to use this "M" strategy during factors and learning LCM.
With Teacher Time, I want to add this aspect on when checking in with kids.
Fractions are almost always the most difficult for my 4th graders to learn, so I like this list of ideas to make it more interesting.
I also love this freebie to make coordinate points a fun review.
Then I'm linking up with Cara from The First Grade Parade for a post from way back when...
actually September 6, 2012 at 5:29 pm
Regions Maps
Last Friday we created our Region Maps. The students had to bring in 2 cups of flour and 1 cup of salt in a gallon sized bag. For homework they also had to practice drawing our state. My wonderful parent helpers came to help monitor the students as we poured 1 cup of water into the bags, sealed them up, and they gently "massaged" the bag to make a cookie dough type mixture.
A wonderful school mom donated 12x12 cardboard pieces from her business, so the students had to draw our state nice and large on the boards. They then had to form the different regions, making sure to remember San Francisco Bay, the different mountain ranges, the large valley in the middle of the state, and a nice flat area for the desert in the southern area. Once again, with this group of kids, I am so glad for extra eyes.
So yesterday was painting day after they dried all weekend long. I put the kids into groups of 6 or 7, and they shared the same color. There is no need to wash out brushes between colors. They just sit and work until it's time to switch spots. We do the set up outside on the ground. 3 bowls of paint per group and I use tiny little brushes for all colors except the Ocean. Those need the big brushes or they will never finish. This year I also pulled out the laminated maps that came with the S.S. curriculum and labeled the specific areas they needed to paint when they went to that station. The students only needed between 5-10 minutes per color, and no one switched until they were all ready to get up and move. 5 switches later and they were all done.
The Coast was purple.
The Desert was yellow.
The Valley was green.
Mountains were brown.
The Ocean (which I had them mark a X on the correct side of our state before we headed outside) was blue.
When we came inside we took 1/2 pieces of index cards and created a Legend. These are on their desks drying overnight. I think these projects might be going home tomorrow. :) Have a good night!
I hope you enjoyed this walk down memory lane. Since that post I did make up a Regions Pack to add more depth to my regions lessons. It is posted in my store. Maybe it can help someone. :)
Have a great day!
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