Yesterday I went shopping by myself... and I ended up at Michaels. I always end up at Michaels in the teacher section. Ta da! It was my lucky day because most of the teacher stuff was on clearance for 49 cents each... then I also had my teacher discount... I love the teacher discount!
So here's my loot. So much stuff for super cheap. Now, you have to remember that my room is apple themed and my main colors are blue with touches of red. Now, you also have to know that I have a problem leaving anything on the rack with a certain design especially if it's on sale, and if I can justify it for the classroom. Maybe you can relate...
These are Kindness tickets. My class does a lot with Bucket Filling, so I thought a little refresher treat was in order. I should be set for this year and next.
I bought a ton of these Award Badges. They are huge stickers and notice they don't have the word "award" on them at all... so perfect for decoration on bulletin boards, file folder games, binders... I just need to add my classroom numbers to use for multiple years. It was something similar that I picked up last year to add to the back of my blue classroom clipboards for 4th Grade Frolics Monday Made It. Large stickers are perfect!
Name tags come in so handy - especially for field trips. I have one this coming Thursday and it's nice to be able to write their first name down so the docent can call on the person.
Do I need to write any explanations for push pins, paper clips, and binder clips? I have an addiction with office supplies...
These notepads have magnets on the back of them. I'm planning on hanging on the side of my bookshelf near the phone (since I never have a pad of paper or pen handy), and the other one by my file cabinets. Same thing - I don't have paper ready to jot a note when I'm standing there pulling out the paperwork for the next week...
These are sentence strips that will be able to work in my small pocket charts. They are the perfect size for name tags when needed, weekly center rotations without having to rewrite it on the board over and over, bulletin board items, vocabulary and spelling words. I bought many many packages.
You can probably tell that I had fun shopping... it doesn't happen that often, at least not as often as this past summer when I was linking up with Fun in Room 4B's Fabulous Friday Finds. :)
Hope you have a great day! I'm getting set for a busy week... wish me luck!
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