Every year I give my students a large piece of construction paper to make a placemat. Not that they really use it as a placemat when they take it home, but the point is I want them to share the information with their parents. I want to promote family discussions about what they learned that day in school. Sometimes kids need a visual to remember...
As we discuss the famous men and women they write fun facts about them on their paper. This year, since I have now discovered the power of powerpoint, I made the placemat official looking. I typed the names for my kiddos - making it easier for them to follow along. I also typed up all my notes about these famous people, created note pages for the students to fill in, to use in a game, and then made up a sheet for students to take one person & create a paragraph about them to add to a class book.
After we make up the placemat and before their individual writing, I'm going to take the fun facts sheets and cut them into strips. They are then going to each get a strip of information about a specific person, and mingle to music to share their information over and over again with the different members of our class. After all that writing they will need a chance to get up and move! I have another page in the packet similar to a bingo board for them to check off who they talk about. Their goal will be to make a bingo with the different people. After the fact they will take their strip of paper and begin writing about their specific person.
It's over at TPT if you are interested in checking it out!
Hope you are having a wonderful day! I stayed up way too late last night (no school today) to finish my 3rd book of the weekend. Yes, 3 books. I love vacation!
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