so we made a heart to order the fractions... and this has been blue taped up on the outside of my portable all week. I just remembered I didn't take it down before I left today - whoops!
2. We've been celebrating Chinese New Year by making lanterns
and felt fortune cookies.
not my picture - found an example of it on Google docs....
3. Today was report card day - a minimum day that we get the afternoon to get stuff done - and for the first time EVER I finished them in the allotted time. I will probably go back and tweak something next week, but they could be ready to print! Anyhow - just proud of myself. :)
4. Random date night tonight with the hubby... Top Gun in the IMAX theatre in 3D. We probably haven't seen this in over 20 years yet it all came flooding back.
5. Last thing - proud mommy moment... two of my boys had some major art projects going on... My youngest created his first daycare handprint art, and my oldest turned in his shoebox book report today - complete with lego toilets for his Captain Underpants book...I really don't get why he enjoys that series... must be a boy thing!
Hope you had a great week! So many ideas are buzzing around in my head to create this weekend - stay tuned!
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