This past month has been BUSY! I know we are all basically at the same point - too much to do and not enough time to get it done between now and then... So, as I was scrambling to figure out what I wanted to share with you all today for Monday Made It, I kept seeing projects at home and school that I have accomplished over the past month. I'm going to keep it to mainly pictures (since isn't that why we mainly click on each other's blogs in Tara's fun linky anyhow?)
I made clutter disappear by cleaning out closets at home and at school. (Yeah, not showing a picture of my pantry, closet, or rolling cart... I promise it is clean.)
I made my student gifts for my kiddos. I know they won't get the point of the "brown paper packages tied up with string..." but at least it makes me happy to know those are a few of my favorite things. :)
I made a bunch of centers and activities for my class by buying a bunch of stuff from talented teachers on Cyber Monday and downloading from TPT, then laminating a ton!
I made my own store at TPT since I want to be one of those talented teachers.
I love to make Ricotta Cookies (family recipe). It makes my husband and kids happy. Of course we ate them all before I had a chance to take a picture.
I made my house all decorated for Christmas.
Finally, I made myself read a book before bed every night for the past month and my stress levels have gone down!
Go link up so I can read about you!
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