I know, a double post from me... but you probably won't hear from me tomorrow... I'm linking up with A Teeny Tiny Teacher and Miss Kindergarten to share my top 12 of this past year.
12. Favorite movie you watched
This year the movie I can watch over and over again would be This Means War. I laugh out loud with that one. Hubby and I will just keep laughing and laughing... and I'm totally not the type that will roll off my seat. I did ask Santa for it for Christmas - I'm hoping I get it! At the moment it's on our DVR from when it was on TV.
11. Favorite TV Series
Once Upon a Time is at the top of my list. I would rather be exhausted on a Monday morning because I have to stay up to watch it the night before. I don't remember another show holding my attention since Alias was on...
10. Favorite Restaurant
My favorite restaurant is a place we call Steven's restaurant. The actual name of it is China Villa but since Steven has been our waiter for years (was always there when we went in), the kids' nickname stuck. What's sad is that Steven just recently retired and we continue to call it his restaurant. I wonder if his boss minds when we come in saying someone else's name...
9. Favorite new thing you tried
This year blogging would be my semi new thing (since I started in April with my home blog and May with my school one). That someone would actually want to read about what I'm doing in my classroom... when I ramble, when I pout, when I am so excited to share. Thank you!
My newest new thing would be the TPT store, I still can't believe that people are buying stuff from me. My first sale was so exciting, and then the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, etc... was the same feeling. Thank you for purchasing from me. My boys' future college educations thank you as well. :)
8. Favorite gift you received
I love my Purple Cow Laminator. I call it a gift because my husband convinced me that I needed one - after I bought 2 of them and returned 2 of them. He picked it up again for me, opened the box, and the rest is history. We got our one at Costco - it was only $20 and came with a 100 pack of assorted pouches.
7. Favorite thing you pinned
I have a lot of pins and this one just makes me smile. I think it has something to do with that I'm not really the person that had to teach my older boys (or my youngest in the future) how to go to the bathroom standing up. There are some perks to being the only girl in the household, and hardly ever having to do bathroom duty is one of them (diaper duty is a completely different thing). Here is the link to my Pinterest boards if you want to take a peek - right now I have 58 boards, 3,950 pins, and 39 likes that I haven't stuck anywhere yet (I move my likes over once I decide they are worth it).
6. Favorite blog post
Remember back to those weekly summer Monday Made Its with Tara? I posted something that I thought was so clever - my magnet hall pass board, and had a side note about tackling my Whole Class Writing Journals. OMG (and I don't OMG that often)!!! I would refresh the screen and another 700 page views would have dropped by the blogpost. Then seeing my so-so picture on Scholastic's Facebook page, on the main Education thing on Pinterest... It was so weird. Anyhow, at this moment in time that post alone is up to 15,740 page views and 79 comments. So, so weird!!
5. Favorite accomplishment
I have a tough class this year. Some of my kiddos came into 4th grade at a pre primer reading level. My favorite accomplishment would be seeing their new reading scores as the first trimester ended (October) and seeing that they have gone up a grade level or 2 in their scores. Yes, some of them are now in 2nd and 3rd grade level. It made me feel like I am doing something right, even though this year is completely feeling like it's something out of the twilight zone (not Twilight as in the movie or book - that is not my cup of tea at all.)
4. Favorite picture
Right now this is still my favorite picture. It was taken in late July/early August - see, now I can't even remember the exact date. My friend took it for our family. It looks all so innocent, but really I'm in the background seeing that my toddler doesn't want to have anything to do with the camera and is screaming his head off while my 2 older are holding him in place. But doesn't it look so peaceful? Like they want to all hold hands and go skipping through the trees? Ha!
3. Favorite memory
I have a lot of memories that I will keep close to my heart, but my most favorite would be my toddler finally figuring out how to say, "I Love You Mama" following closely by the memory of his letting go and beginning to walk at the beginning of this year. If you have been reading the blog for awhile, you might remember his story - he is a little boy that has taken his dear sweet time to meet the milestones. He has grown my patience, but it has all been such a blessing that I will treasure forever.
2. Goal for 2013
My resolutions for this past year was pretty simple. I wanted to grow my hair out so I could donate it to Locks for Love. It's still not long enough unless I don't want any hair after they cut it (that's not really me though), so I'm continuing with that resolution... maybe by the time it's warm weather my hair will finally be ready for that cute spring cut.
I could also say that I would love to finally understand my boys enjoyment with Star Wars, Pokemon, and Legos - but I somehow doubt that will happen.
1. One little word
Gladness. Pollyanna (remember her?) has been stuck in my head lately reminding me about the good things in life. I am such a sucker for wanting to climb into a hole when life gets overwhelming - but there really is so many good things everyday to be glad about.
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