Today we finished up our Mission booklets. I am so glad that they are DONE!!
What is a Mission Booklet? It's a piece of large construction paper folded in half with this cover on top. The clip art came from free images on Google.
Inside the little booklet I have the kids stick a Mission Map of our state of CA. It's from images on Google.
Then the kids added 7 binder pages behind the map in their booklets and we wrote facts from the below website, each mission using 1/2 of the page (4 missions total per page front and back).
I love using this website because it has so much information, but it also has a slideshow with "real life" pictures about each mission. Everyday for the past 21 school days the kids have written about the mission of the day and then we would watch the slideshow together. On the map we write the mission #.
Now today we finished, and it was time to pass out the official 4th grade Mission Report and Project. I pass it out at this point in time since so many families travel to the missions over the holiday break. The project and report are not due until the end of January for my class.
I uploaded the pages to TPT in case you want to check them out.
The above is the link to the 3 page Report and Project.
This is the grade sheet I use.
It's completely free since I know every classroom is different with this project and people will probably only download to get ideas for their own classrooms. I hope it helps!
2 days to go...
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