Are you loving this weekend? My family has been dealing with a stomach flu... hubby and my youngest had it last weekend, the other 3 of us were sick in bed yesterday. I slept basically all day...much needed though. Starting this day feeling much better!
I did put my TPT store on sale though through the long weekend, on the off chance that someone needed something and was waiting for a sale.
4 day week ahead! I know the week is going to fly - they always do! Here's what my class will be tackling. Linking up with Mrs. Laffin's Laughings. :)
I love our story this coming week. It's a fun one that students want to revisit over and over again at the end of the year. Why wouldn't they want to hear it again? It includes a giant, squabbling brothers, a beautiful princess, and treasure!
The focus is going to be on making inferences, so we will be tackling this activity to help reinforce the concept.
Yes, the kids will be sorting through garbage (product by Miss Britnee). I mentioned it last year, but it's that time to do it again!
This week our double digit multiplication is going to get trickier - 3 digit by 2 digit. I'm so impressed with my kiddos. They absolutely grasped the concept last week and ran with it. I'm a firm believer that if I tell them that something is "what the older kids do" they want to do it too. This week I'm moving on with my robot cards.
We have been going full steam ahead with our Mission a Day booklets. So far we are up to #5. The kids are writing down key facts as we go over it full class. It's just the basic information, they will be researching more in depth when it's time for their research reports.
Part of our health course has a Learn Not to Burn fire safety program. The firemen come out for the first part of the program this week. It's just a classroom discussion, and students learn the importance of having an escape route. Part of the requirement is doing homework from the firemen - creating a floor map of their houses, talking with their parents how to escape, and then creating a meeting place. They also have the responsibility of checking their fire alarm batteries.
It's because of this program that I bought an escape ladder for my own 2 story house. :)
Never can be too safe! Every year the Lego Education Magazine gets delivered, and this year it was all about Fire Safety. The kids are going to get a little extra present on Tuesday.
It's still all about traditions in my classroom. We tackled Halloween, Thanksgiving, and New Year's last week (I skipped December for a reason), and this week we will be writing about Valentines and Birthdays. If a student doesn't celebrate a holiday, I have them write what family traditions they would like to do instead.
We are also working on a collaborative project with the local high school. I have a student in my class whose parent is an art teacher there. My class is creating Alphabet Animal Alliterations for her class to illustrate. It's all based out of the book Animalia. We started out brainstorming animals for each letter, and now the kids are creating alliterations complete with a setting and adjectives. They are doing great!
Have a great week!
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