I'm linking up with Tara today to share what I've been up to lately. :)
Here's my May Monthly Made It. Going to be honest and tell you I haven't been feeling very crafty at all since the crazy craftiness of Open House the last couple of weeks. In fact I am just so tired and feeling slightly overwhelmed with the end of school... so much paperwork lately to complete with deadlines looming - I know you can relate!
So... without further ado here are my 2 made it's for the moment.
So... without further ado here are my 2 made it's for the moment.
#1 Made It - Planning out the last 2 weeks of the school year. Usually we only have the last week of fun, but the schedule ended up having our field trip and the visit from the firemen next week - plus all the grades have to be in, so I bumped it to the last 2 weeks of fun...
In case it's hard to read (don't really know why it's blue??), basically the fun stuff includes our field trip to Sacramento, the "Hose Down" when the firemen come, a camping day when we make Solar Oven Smores, Game Day, PJ Day, Movie morning, California day, making Ice Cream in a Bag, having a Summer Birthday Party, and a Pizza Lunch.
#2 Made It - End of Year Gift!
I bought my silly straws and Kool aid packets (just like last year) for the end of year gift. This picture is mine from last year. I still have to assemble for this year - that will require more colored ink that I don't yet have - but I did make up a new "cuter" tag - it's free over at TPT in case you need something.
It's super cheap - Dollar Store for the straws and Winco for packets 10 cents each.
Well that's it for the moment... Looking forward to summer when "hopefully"
I will feel motivated to make stuff :)
Hope you had a great day!
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