Single Digits!!! I made it to SINGLE DIGITS!!!
Can you sense my excitement? Can you imagine me doing my happy dance?
It's been a very long long year :)
But we have NINE more school days until summer.
Link up time with Doodlebugs Teaching to share what we have been up to this week.
First up - I'm hosting a sale over at my TPT store this weekend Saturday and Sunday. :)
This week we did a ton of different projects in math to review. I know I already mentioned the Array-Bots, and the Evaluative: What's my name worth? You see, I bought a lot of stuff the other week and need to do it!
Yesterday the kiddos worked on this Line Graph project by Elementary Lesson Plans. It was a great review. I shrunk the 2 main pages down to sharing a page so the kids had the information handy.
We have also been having the issue lately of the kids forgetting their manners... so we reviewed our Character Counts Pillars. The kids chose one of the 6 pillars, and used these templates from The Peanut Gallery to create an example. They were so creative - then they especially enjoyed me sticking them under the ladibug (document camera) so everyone could see them up close.
I also have this prepped for next week - the plan is to start doing one or two activities per day.
I'm looking forward to it since there is 32 low prep activities that we can complete together. Team building, complement sharing, smile giving activities to have some fun as we count down the remaining days of school.
Last up - my #5 for this week is that I am almost done with REPORT CARDS.
I did nothing else in the classroom during prep, recess, and lunch except work on them today. I'm just pretty impressed with myself how this might be the only time this year that I'm ahead of the game...
Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
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