Tomorrow marks my 32nd "First Day of School". I have not had a break in first days of school since the year before I started preschool. I'm feeling a little old at the moment. :)
What am I doing to celebrate my incoming first day of school? I made up 34+ bags of crockpot meals to share with my school buddies. Yeah, you read that right... it was an assembly line of ingredients... 5 different recipes... and it tickled me silly that I was able to show my friends how much I care about them. Not trying to brag, but I really do have a great friends at my school and in town.
What else have I been up to? My puppy decided to wake up at 5:45 this morning and we were out the door on our morning walk by 6:45... I was then at the grocery store by 7:30 buying the rest of the ingredients for the crock pot assembly line, and then hurried to get 5 of us ready to leave for church by 9:15. It was my morning to teach the 4 year olds... they are a precious group of kids. One of the little boys prayed for snack this morning and was so adorable as he went on and on and on. That alone made my morning.
I still need to finish up laundry, start the dishwasher, clean the house, finish up my school projects (none are due tomorrow), help the boys choose their clothes for tomorrow, and pack lunches with a little note tucked inside. I should probably also try on my dresses to see which ones still fit from after the summer... want to make a great first day impression. You know how it is. I need to make sure the camera is charged for the official picture by the front door tomorrow morning for my own 1st and 3rd grader, and to bring with me to take pictures of my own students' first day of 4th grade. I want to make sure that my Monday Made It post will be ready to go, though I will be so sad tomorrow morning as there will be no time to read anything until tomorrow night. I should probably also log on to get my new families' email addresses out of the system and let them know some reminders about being now one of the "big kids" at school - different dismissals, different gate options, where to line up, etc... why didn't I think of that a little sooner than at 2:45 in the afternoon??? Oh yeah, I was busy laughing and singing along with my music in the kitchen as I was making up those meals.
I know today's post is not the usual information that I dole out - but I hope you forgive me for this moment in time. It might be the stress talking - too much to do and I'm not motivated to do anything except type at the moment.
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