2 long days of working in the classroom and it's paid off. I love my room! It's not completely done, but my husband brought the camera so I could take some pictures at the end of the 2nd day. Of course this isn't everything that we tackled... I think the main things left are the paperwork aspects, tweaking a couple bulletin boards, and finishing up my long to do list.
Enough talk, here are some visuals:
View from the door when I walked in. I should say that I put up the fabric on the walls before summer break started - so I wasn't having to start with a completely blank slate.
After 2 days:
1st day - 7 hours - both husband, kids, and sister came to help for a while
2nd day - 4 hours - husband and kids came to help for a while
Basics of FACE board are ready to go
Kids' pictures are hung
Bucket Filler Station is ready to go
Some games are ready to go - some still need help
Behavior board has been updated - now including some Whole Brain Teaching cards and Hand Signals
Student magnets are hung on the board
Warm Fuzzies are up
Memory Jar and Box Tops Jar are ready to go
Student Work Board with the di cut clothespins are up
VOICES board isn't done, but added a cursive alphabet to the bottom - this will become our Word Wall
My sister updated all the book boxes with student numbers - packing tape holding the laminated cards on.
She also updated my classroom library with color coded AR level stickers.
Our new Weekly Goals board - pocket charts and those small 1/2 whiteboards for each student (Target dollar find)- Students will update on Friday what their goal for the next week will be.
Hubby zip tied the desks together - they aren't going anywhere!
Then he figured out the velcro on the bottom of the name tags - now it will be easy to just move the name tag when it's time to switch desks.
Student texts are in their team crates ready to pass out.
My boys had fun opening up a bunch of mini eraser packages (and also running around the classroom, bouncing and kicking all the playground balls).
Student colored number sticks are ready to go.
Clean desk awards are unpacked.
Team Jars are ready to go - usually I put tally marks on the board, this year I'm going to use pebbles in the jar. Each competition goes for a month until we switch desks. Hoping that by using the pebbles this year that everyone will still try (instead of giving up when another team is in the lead.)
Clipboards ready to go - added red ribbon and my boys added big apple stickers to the back. Those apple stickers were a great find. They were on clearance at Office Depot - a 6 pack for 25 cents. I bought all 10 packs of them and have used them to labels baskets in the classroom.
Whole Class Journals
Target's Star Student chair thing-a-mi-gig - I'm the first STAR, so it's on my chair.
Here's my board - using bulletin borders to separate out things this year - usually I've used just blue tape. I love how it all pops.
I love this desk arrangement - everyone is super close to me, and it gives room for a big floor area to the side that we can all fit on.
Still more to do, but at this moment in time I'm not feeling stressed. So thankful for family to help out.
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