Today I spent a good portion of the day in the hospital surgery waiting room with my Dad and Sister... We were waiting for Mom to get her brand new hip. It had been exactly 3 months 5 days since I had sat in that same waiting room, while she was going in for #1. I'm happy for her - thrilled for her - but it was still nerve wracking waiting... and waiting... hoping/praying/wishing for news. Every time she goes in for a surgery - there have been a lot with her heart issues - there have been complications. This time around (totally thanking God for it) there were none AND they started her on Physical Therapy this afternoon. At this point she should be home in 3 or 4 days. :)
My dad and sister |
While at the hospital I brought school stuff to keep me occupied. My sister drove, and I worked on stuff in the car... writing 32 Christmas cards out for my students. In the past couple of years I have just clicked print to write them a note, this year I wanted to make it a little more personalized for them. I bought cards after Christmas last year when they were super cheap (75% off) and have stored them. At the hospital, I turned around on the bench, and used the window sill to write them out.
I got really into alliterations when writing - a fantastic fun filled family vacation... I also had to include a note about seeing them next year... :) I still remember my 4th grade teacher telling us that we wouldn't have any more homework for the remainder of the year (it was at Christmas time) - I got really excited for a moment, and then realized she wasn't talking about the school year...
As for my student gifts this year, well the other night I brought my big box of stuff to my parents for our big family dinner. Mom was a teacher for 37 years before she retired, so I can still talk her into helping with the assembly line. You might have seen it over on IG.
What's included this year:
Frindle book - got it for $1 back in September
Packet Instant Hot Chocolate Mix
Multiplication Fact Pencil (used bonus points)
Silly eraser (Dollar Store)
Applebee's Super Reader (free kid's meal) - these were a donation from the restaurant.
Hope this gives you some ideas!
Linking up with 3rd Grade Thoughts linky party!
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