It's the last day?!? What a week it has been.
What did I accomplish the past couple of days? Here are some pictures I've shared on Instagram.
I laminated a ton of stuff...
and then I made up my student necklaces to start the year. I've also printed a bunch to get everything ready to put together my student notebooks.
Yesterday was absolutely NUTS over on Facebook. On Friday night I got everything ready to go for joining in on the 2nd grade Blog Hop (Yes, I know I don't teach 2nd grade anymore, but I love 2nd grade), and there were around 520 people joining me over there... at this point in time it's nearing 1,200. Completely absolutely crazy with the notification emails of Facebook and Pinterest and Bloglovin.
I LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF IT!!! Guess we'll see where today takes us. :)
So - today is the last day for Rafflecopter (at least for a bit). I hope you have enjoyed this week of fun! My freebie is still over on Facebook if you want to pick up the Popsicle Place Value to Thousand. It corresponds with the my Place Value set to Hundred Millions (in case you want something with smaller values).
My store is also still on sale throughout today if there is something you have been eyeing. I appreciate all your support and encouragement!
My store is also still on sale throughout today if there is something you have been eyeing. I appreciate all your support and encouragement!
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