It's here! The Monthly Made It with Tara.
What's new with me? Well - look around. :) I have a new blog design courtesy of Christi.
Last week I got to the point that I really didn't like the old one very much. Call it the huge amount of spring cleaning I was doing around the house (after we got back from vacation), but the old one seemed way too cluttered. I think it was. It was also one of the templates that I had found on blogger almost a year ago when I started this whole blogging adventure, that I had pieced together myself as I was learning. I'm so visual though, the idea of trying to make one from scratch wasn't appealing - in fact it was overwhelming to the point that over the months I just couldn't bring myself to think about it. So I started looking around since it has been Spring Break and I found out that Christi has designed many of the blogs I follow. She has a large portfolio to oogle as well, and from her pre made designs I found this one. Aren't the apples just so ME? I then made 3 wishes and she made them come to life - adding buttons, and pages, and making everything on here match with Facebook & TPT. So even though she did the hard work, I'm counting it as a made it for me as well.
I made myself happy.
Let me show you around on here... above there are now pages with some of the information from the side bar.
*Meet the Teacher - Has my Contact Information, my All about Me, and my Disclosure Statement
*Blogs I Love - Has my Blog Awards, blogs I have been featured on, and I hope to start a linky so you can link up by grade level or that I could possibly move over the running Blog Roll from the Side Bar. It would be nice to see everyone that I'm following. That would help keep me sane.
*Photo Album - Has the pictures that were on my old pages... well some of them at least.
There are 4 main categories over there.
*Classroom Management
*Bulletin Board Ideas
*Open House Pictures
*Organizing the Chaos
What else did I make lately?
*I made a bunch of stuff over on TPT.
Do you see my new banner? I have a banner!!!
*I made up a giveaway to celebrate 400 followers and met some new friends.
*I made my house semi clean and organized. My husband made the carpets nice and clean again (want to give him credit since he just told me the other day that he is one of my secret followers on here - Hi Honey!).
*I laminated a ton of things that I bought over break.
*I still have a ton of stuff that I need to make that I had every intention of making over vacation but ran out of it to actually complete. So check back in with me to see my garden (both here and at school) and my testing treat/notes for my students (5 more days until the actual test).
I love this time of year! Hope you had a great day!
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