Thanksgiving was a success. Family time, thankful time, eating time... it was all good. I was in a little food coma when we headed home at 6 pm... had to head home to let the dog out or else a little nap would have been perfect. Then the fun of online shopping really started. Picked up some good deals at JcPenny, Target, and Amazon. Not as many as last year, but that's okay - I don't need to spend a lot to still have that satisfaction of getting a good deal. I think we are basically done with shopping. That's a good thing, right?
Now it's today, and I just feel old. Friends went out last night and were up all night hitting the stores, and instead I got my beauty sleep. I can barely make it past midnight most nights... oh well! Every year I say that I will go out, and then I don't. I think that perhaps I need to face reality that I'm not an all-nighter type of girl.
The tradition of Black Friday in our house is a PJ day and pulling out the Christmas decorations. The Christmas music will go on in a bit, and somehow everything will be transformed into Christmas. I've already moved a toy collection thing upstairs to one of the boys' rooms to make room for where the Christmas tree will be placed.
Over this vacation I've also been spending a bit of time on Pinterest. Here are some of my favorite Christmas pins on my Christmas board and my Winter board. Then I have a Gift board that might help you as well.
At this moment in time, I'm considering having my students either do this activity
Click to take you to Pinterest
I had my class make the trivets for Mother's Day last year. They were nice and inexpensive (16 cents each). If you click the trivet picture it will take you to my home blog where I walked through the steps.
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