A parent emailed me last week and wanted to come in on
Tuesday afternoon to chat.
I love working with parents - heck, I am a parent - but when I'm not sure if the conversation is going to be a good one I get nervous.
I second guess myself and my abilities at times.
Since parent/teacher conferences are right around the corner in a few weeks, I wanted to create a "cheat sheet" that I could record on for each child. You know... just something that I could make sure that I knew exactly what I noticed about that one child in the different subjects (at this moment in time) - how they focus, how they learn, etc - before I sit down with each family. Just something to have in addition to all the assessments that I will pull out to show.
Since this conference was happening earlier than normal, I
created the following sheet so I could test it out by filling it in
over a couple of days.
It was a hit with the parents. In fact, they wanted me to make a copy so they could take it with them to share with a doctor and a tutor.
Just be warned if you download - they might want a copy too. It's over at Google Docs. By recommendation I saved it as a PDF so the font would remain the same. Here it is a .doc format as well. Hope it works!
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