The honeymoon has been over with my class since the 2nd day of school. This has already turned into being a tough year - of course my grade level has been warned since this group of kids was in Kindergarten... On Fridays I am reminded how great overall my class is as I update their behavior charts. I do have some sweet gems in there. For example, here is one of the cards that I received yesterday. (Yes, I was extra loved yesterday.)
She loves the fact that I sing random songs. I told the class that if they catch me singing that means I'm in a good mood - and they want to keep me in a good mood - so they are my audience as I sing about turning in homework, capitalizing their proper nouns, and other odds and ends that happen throughout the day. To be honest, most times I don't even know that I'm singing until after the words leave my mouth... 13 years into this job, guess some things are just second nature!
Of course we have already had a couple of "moments" as well. So for those students who need a visual reminder, I made up a little letter that I will post near my behavior chart. Just a reminder that I am there to help them learn, and that I won't put up with students that aren't allowing others to learn. So much to do, not enough time in the day to deal with distractions.
In other news... I found some great deals today at an outdoor store. We were advised to go there to pick up Cub Scout materials. (I'm a new Tiger and Bear mom.) They were selling shag carpet squares for 99 cents. So, naturally I bought 18 of them. I mean, if something is going to be so cheap and wonderful - well it's something that I thought I had to have. My entire class does not need their own, but for silent reading & working on the ground they will come in handy. Maybe now they won't worry so much about having to get a t-shirt pillow.
Hope you have a wonderful long weekend!
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